Following the Federal Government’s advice to limit non-essential services to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Daniel Sloss Australian tour has been rescheduled to April 2021, per the new dates below. If you cannot attend the new date, please get in contact with the venue or ticketing agency you originally purchased tickets through. Thank you for your understanding, please stay safe, and we can’t wait to see you next year!
‘Daniel Sloss: HUBRIS’ is the all-new, 11th solo show by Scotland’s international comedy superstar, hot on the heels of his ground-breaking, global smash-hit ‘Daniel Sloss: X’. Lauded by the ancient Greeks, hubris is the devastating, dangerous and of course exciting characteristic which often led to the hero’s downfall. So exactly how do you follow a global smash-hit juggernaut tour of 300 performances across 40 countries? With a phenomenal new show (that doesn’t require a trigger warning). ‘Daniel Sloss: HUBRIS’ is the next chapter in this odyssey.